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Writer's picturefaiza nizamani

Self Care

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

Your Health and Wellness Guide


What springs to mind when you hear the term self care?

Bubble baths? Spa days? Sweet smelling candles? Complicated yoga poses? Netflix and choccie bars?

Self care is such a buzzword these days that its true meaning sometimes gets lost. while manicure and mojitos are awesome, self care is much bigger and deeper than that.

Put simply: self care is taking care of yourself. It's a daily practice of habits and rituals that nurture your wellbeing, from the physical and mental to the spiritual. it's about filling your cup first, so you can pour more energy back into your life. Best of all, self care also makes you feel good!

Self care is.

Getting to know yourself. When y0u're thinking and feeling, you get better at giving yourself the care you need. You become your biggest ally.

Taking responsibility for creating a healthier and happier life. It's. hard work but it's also highly empowering!

Tailored to you. Whether it's banning phones from the bedroom, getting a pedicure, or taking up tap dancing, you get to decide what self care looks like.

Getting real. Self care requires us to look in the mirror and ask, 'what's working here, and what's not?' , then finding the courage to do things differently.

Self care is not.

An indulgence. Contrary to the naysayers, it's not all fluffy slippers and frivolity. Taking steps to support our health and wellbeing is a basic necessity. if we want to function well in our lives.

Time consuming. Even a few minutes of self care a day can have a positive impact on your life.

Selfish. Too often our society values the martyr, those who give and give and leave little for themselves. But self sacrifice can lead to burnout and poor health. Self care is about bringing some of that love care and attention back to yourself.

A one and done deal. There's a reason we call it a self care practice. We have to keep practicing, day after day, imperfectly but consistently.

Why is self care important?

Just like flight attendant says before take-off: you must put on your own oxygen mask first. If you're always helping others without looking after yourself, eventually you'll run out of puff.

With our perpetually busy lives it's easy to neglect our own wellbeing especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. But cultivating a self care practice can help us cope with life's stressors. It can also improve mental and physical health, boost resilience, reduce anxiety and improve relationships.

Self care means teaching yourself that you matters, one small step at a time. Even if its only a few minutes of daily self care, you'll be able to show up in your life from a stronger, happier place.

I am ending this blog post here, be sure to read next blog post.

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