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Writer's picturefaiza nizamani

Self Care Basic

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

Blog Post #2 part two

How to make time for self care

It might feel like self care is just another thing you're supposed to find time for in an already overpacked day with a million things screaming for your attention. I feel you! But self care doesn't need to take up a lot of time to have a positive impact. Let's free up some time.

Make a time log

Spend a week observing how you spend your days. Grab a piece of paper start a list, simply note down what you do in half hour hunk. It's quite boring task, but it can be a significant eye opener. Notice when you're most productive, when you're over scheduled, or when you might be just scrolling on social media.

Be Hard

Does the time log reveal a few chores or obligations you might want to ditch or outsource?

Look for sacks of time

Very few us can nip off for spa day at the drop of a hat, so we need to find small window of time for self care. Could you go for a walk after you eat your lunch instead of staying at your desk? Could you negotiate a child care swap with a friend so you each get some time to yourselves?

Get Uncomfortable

Real self care sometime requires doing things that don't come naturally, like exercising at the the crack of dawn. But if getting fitter is something you really want and that's the best time to fit it in, you may have to lay off the snooze button!

Be Mindful

While a lot of our time is filled with non negotiable obligations, remember you have power over the rest. You decide what else you let into your life; from the media you consume to the engagements you say 'yes' to. These things gobble up physical time and mental space, so be wise.

In praise of 'boring self care'

Sometimes self care is not fun or glamourous. Sometime it's about dealing with things that are difficult, boring or annoying. Yes! I am talking about boring self care.

It can be going to your GP for annual check up, or making that dentist appointment, or doing something about the annoying dripping tap in the kitchen. It could be setting up a budget, or applying home made face and hair masks. Theses task often don't take long to resolve, but they're ripe for procrastination and take up so much mental real tract.

Yes boring self care is boring but it's so important for your wellbeing. You'll feel so much relief when you tick off those pesky task.

Here is exercise for you how to do boring task

  1. Make a list :- Get those task out of your head make a to do list. Even acknowledging them can make them feel slightly less annoying.

  2. Pick one task to tackle :- Go for the one that feel most doable.

  3. Give your self a pep talk :- You can do this!

  4. Set a timer :- Go for it for 20 minutes. See how you feel after that, and if you're keen set it for another 20.

  5. Reward yourself :- When you are done with your task, have me time watch your favourite show on Netflix with bowl of popcorn.

No matter how many goals, rituals or habit you have, life loves to throw curveballs. Self care is often the first thing we shove off the priority list, just when we need it most. Whether it's a period of overwhelm, significant life change or uncertainty, stress hormones like cortisol will course through your body, making you more susceptible to illness and burnout. Even the smallest moment of self care can be soothing in such times. They key is adapting your practice to meet the conditions.

Take a moment to acknowledge what you're going through. Try the one minute check in, let it all out in a journal, or go to a friend. Journaling is life changing.

Take a deep breath in, place your hand on your heart and say, 'it's okay to not be okay'. Now exhale. Sounds cheesy, but it's good to remind yourself that you have your own back!

Meditation is an other life changing habit.

Make a go to list of your favourite comforts for those days when you don't have energy to make one more decision. Think comforting books, tv shows, movies people to call, cozy outfits, pampering rituals, going to a personal stylist, takeaway menus.

Sometimes we have to let some balls drop. Go for the simplest act of self care, like a quite five minutes with a cup of tea, a handful of grapes straight from the fridge so it feels like your body is getting a few vitamins! These small acts are gentle reminder to yourself that you've still got your own back, even in a difficult time.

If DIY habits and ritual aren't hitting the spot, the kindest act of self care may be to reach out to a therapist or counsellor. Professional support and guidance can make all the difference!

Asking for help

Self care doesn't have to mean by yourself care. But for some of us asking for help doesn't come easily. It's a vulnerable act, and we can worry we'll appear weak or needy if we let the 'I've got my act together' mask drop. But we humans are not island. Asking for help can be brave and necessary self care.

Not everyone will be the right person! Think about your circle of family, friends and acquaintance and decide who you feel comfortable with asking. Who is capable of holding space for you? Who will listen without bombarding you with unsolicited advice? Who would you happily help in return?

We often wait until we're on the verge of a crisis to reach out for help. Try to notice the sign you might need a hand and don't be afraid to reach out at an early stage.

Think about the last time you helped someone, whether it was during a crisis, taking care of a chore, or simply lending a listening ear. Did it give you a warm and fuzzy feeling? That's because we humans are hard wired for empathy and connection helping each other feels good! There are likely to be people in your life who care for you that would be honoured to step up if you need a hand.

I am a personal stylist my job is to make people outer look good, but this blog series is to make you feel good internally. When you feel internally good, that thing shine on your face, your external automatically look good.

Look good feel good stay happy!

I am ending this blog post here, be sure to read next blog post.

I hope you are loving this self care blog series.

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